G7 - 2018 National Planting Project – Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve
This tree planting initiative was a national effort stemming from the International G7 Summit which was held in June 2018 in the Charlevoix Biosphere Reserve in Quebec. The symbolic planting aimed to:
raise the community’s awareness of the importance of trees and their functions, and promote the local timber industry and the organizations hosting the planting.
The planting at Bateau Channel Park was coordinated by the local Frontenac Biosphere Reserve, and included:
-Students from Gananoque Secondary School,
-Township of Leeds, and
-Thousand Islands Friends of Bateau Channel Park
LGSC participated as the “local forestry agent” – determining the species mix, ordering the trees, developing a site plan and coordinating the planting efforts. Special thanks to Martin Streit who helped organize and signed off as the Registered Professional Forester.
LGSC did a survival assessment in 2019 and submitted a report to the organizing committee at the Charlevoix Biosphere Reserve.
Unfortunately, a prolonged cold winter resulted in substantial tree mortality and the wood chip mulch provided insufficient weed control. Only 15% of the White Pine planted survived and only 35% of the White Cedar for example. The assessment recommended a refill plant of some 700 trees along with chemical spot spraying of all trees following the tree plant. And further recommended inclusion of additional hardy tree species which were not available last year including Red Maple, Bur Oak and White Spruce.
A refill planting is planned for mid-April with funding from the Township of Leeds and Thousand Islands and Frontenac Arch Biosphere coordinating high school students to help with the replant.